Choose Your Objective

If you are here, it means you care, that’s halfway there. Now all you have to do is choose which objective you’d like to support from the following handpicked list. All organizations are carefully selected and you really can’t go wrong.

The charities on this list were chosen based on their mission, impact, transparency ratings, and achievements. They operate all over the globe, restoring vital marine habitats and promoting sustainable fishing practices to protect endangered species and offer options to donate or take action.

Organisation Description  
The Reef World FoundationDelivering practical solutions for marine conservation, The Reef-World Foundation is a UK-registered charity with its roots founded on bringing basic marine ecology to fishing villages and local communities. Today, they are operating internationally to provide education and capacity-building assistance to empower the marine tourism industry, local communities, authorities and governments to implement proven coastal resource management approaches. Donate Now
Green Fins initiative is spearheaded by The Reef-World Foundation, implemented in partnership with the UN Environment Programme, which focuses on driving environmentally friendly diving practices across the industry (scuba, snorkeling and liveaboard). From diver to pro, all the way up to dive center operator – Green Fins is here to set guidelines for a sustainable future.We are proud of our global partnership with them, and extend an exclusive discount on the Green Fins Diver e-Course for all our members. Donate Now
Rainforest Action Network – RAN’s mission to preserve forests, protect the climate and uphold human rights by challenging corporate power and systemic injustice is successful only with the support of our growing Network. Your generosity and commitment to people and planet makes our work possible, and we are so grateful for you. Donate Now
GreenPeace – Greenpeace’s mission is to expose global environmental problems, and promote solutions for future generations. Greenpeace Fund Inc, is a separate non-profit organization set up to continue the vital work of Greenpeace by increasing public awareness through research and education. Donate Now
Oceana – Oceana campaigns to win policy victories that restore abundance and biodiversity in the world’s oceans, which cover two-thirds of our planet. Healthy marine ecosystems full of wildlife support fisheries that can feed more than a billion people a healthy seafood meal every day, forever. Donate Now
PADI Aware FoundationLocal Action Global Impact. PADI AWARE engages the public to remove plastics and other debris from our oceans through their Dive Against Debris Program. Volunteers can even see their impact via the charity’s innovative Dive Against Debris Global Map. They also focus their efforts on creating a sustainable diving industry by educating divers on how to live an ocean-conscious lifestyle and encouraging business owners to adopt sustainable practices. Donate Now
Blue Marine Foundation works with governments and other organizations around the world to create protected marine reserves, develop sustainable fishing techniques, and restore vital habitats. They also advocate heavily against commercial fishing practices such as bottom-tow fishing gear, through their Blue Legal initiative. In addition, they have set up ocean schools and marine education programs in the Maldives and the Aeolians, as well as providing free digital marine conservation resources for the general public. Donate Now
Marine Conservation Institute – Dedicated to securing permanent, strong protection for the ocean’s most important places – for us and future generations. The Marine Conservation Institute works to protect the diversity of our oceans through their Blue Parks Initiative. This sets out clear standards for governments to establish effectively protected marine reserves that will safeguard biological diversity. Their Marine Protection Atlas is a real-time global online resource to identify and track fully or highly protected marine areas. The charity also conducts field research in vital biodiversity areas such as coral reefs, to identify new areas in need of protection. Donate Now
Ocean Conservancy works with their 1 million volunteers to perform mass clean-ups of our oceans and beaches. In addition, the charity advocates for the future protection of our oceans, particularly the Arctic, and sustainable fishing practices in congress. “Working with you to protect the ocean from today’s greatest global challenges.” Donate Now
The Marine Mammal Center – The Marine Mammal Center runs a 24-hour hotline, responding to calls from the public about marine animals in distress. The animals are then given veterinary care at the sanctuary until they are ready to be released back into the wild. In addition, the charities’ research experts work to create new innovative medical techniques and cures for a range of marine animal illnesses, including leptospirosis and cancer. Their education programs connect students of all ages with marine mammals to inspire a love of the ocean. Donate Now
Coral Reef Alliance – CORAL recognizes that our best chance to save coral reefs is in collaboration with the people who are most closely connected to coral reefs. In partnership with local communities, they take a unique approach to restoring and protecting coral reefs. Donate Now
WWF – We collaborate with local communities to conserve the natural resources we all depend on and build a future in which people and nature thrive. Together with partners at all levels, we transform markets and policies toward sustainability, tackle the threats driving the climate crisis, and protect and restore wildlife and their habitats. World Wildlife Fund is a highly respected and active organization, aimed to conserve nature and reduce the most pressing threats to the diversity of life on Earth. Donate Now
Shark Allies – Dedicated to the protection and conservation of sharks and rays. Focusing on taking action, on raising awareness and guiding initiatives that reduce the destructive overfishing of sharks on a global scale. Donate Now
Shark Stewards – has been supporting sharks around the globe since 2006. They restore ocean health by saving sharks from overfishing and the fin trade while working to preserve critical marine habitat via creation of marine-protected areas and shark sanctuaries. Donate Now

*** Charity Navigator has been assessing charities for years. And it has only gotten better at what it does. It’s the “consumer reports” of charities. Charity Navigator rates charities on financial health, accountability, and transparency. Charities and NGOs receive one to four stars with four being the very best. 

As a donor, you can’t go wrong by sticking to the 3 and 4-star charities at Charity Navigator. We make sure we contribute to legit organizations and refer our members to donate to the right ones.


Many of the charities on this list focus their efforts on expanding marine protected areas to allow vulnerable marine populations to increase. Others focus their attention on removing harmful plastics from our oceans and beaches. Yet all of them share the same goal – to preserve our beautiful oceans and protect the incredible diversity that lives within them.

Whether you want to help clean-up our oceans, invest in more sustainable fishing methods, or ensure that our coral reefs are around for future generations – there is a charity for you. Keep reading to learn more about what the best charities to save our oceans are all about, how they work, and what you can do to contribute.
